Sunday, March 6, 2011

Meeting Mickey and Minnie (Finally)

Forgive my many video postings, but I am happy to have finally figured it out - as to which program I needed to use to get the files ready.

Sorry the lighting is so bad on the video.... I think you can still get the idea of Abigail meeting Mickey - even with the adults in the picture. It all happened so fast that we didn't get to get better pictures and video. Oh well!! Daddy and I have it in our minds.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Little Singer

Since the lighting was so bad on the other video, here are some clips from a video we made the grandparents for Valentine's Day....

Little Musician

In the small window of time I had to sort of feel Abigail move when she was in the womb, she seemed to get really active at my rehearsals. I was hoping she would love music. She loves to sing and play my piano. If you start singing certain songs, it is like she is programmed to automatically do the actions..... For all of our out of town loved ones (and anyone else who wants to enjoy her cuteness). Sorry the lighting is so bad....

"I'm a Big Girl Now"

Little Missy is just growing so fast. She recently graduated to a toddler bed because she was climbing out of her crib. (I don't have a good picture because she was running around in excited craziness the night we set it up.)

And, just this week - something has clicked with potty training. She runs around the house with "lots of air and freedom" and is doing great sitting on her little potty when she needs to go. It is a whole different story if we put on underwear. We have had a fun week clapping, cheering, and eating jellybeans. Woohoo!!

Second Friday Fun

In February we decided to go to the activities on Downtown Main Street that are held the second Friday of the month. We explored the vendor exhibits and had fun taking pictures with some of the statues. We enjoyed the beautiful weather, a free night of family fun, and an excuse to let Abigail run around. This beautiful weather doesn't last long in the desert - so we are soaking it up.

New Year's

We enjoyed New Year's Eve with the Merrills. Grandma had lots of appetizers and finger foods. We played lots of games, did some fireworks - which Abigail really liked, watched the ball drop, and dranked sparkling cider. Then - we all went to bed really late.

In the morning we joined the Joneses for brunch--but I must have been too tired to remember to take pictures. Bummer. We also got to see a pretty engagement ring - as my sister's fiance proposed that morning at sunrise.

2010 brought many adventures.... Here's hoping for a great 2011!!