Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A New Toy

I found this cute little thing on Craigslist. Abigail was quite thrilled when her daddy brought it in the house.... I have since painted it black -- looks better for upcoming picture ideas.... Abigail loves playing it - sitting or standing. She hasn't gone over to mine much lately, either....

Also, Abigail is walking more and more and, if you are lucky, she will blow you a kiss. She waves "bye-bye" more and more. She can also do a sign to show us she is "all done" eating and sometimes we can even get a "please". She is just super cute!!


Anne said...

Oh she's adorable and that piano is so sweet- how fun!

Nichelle said...

Just wait until she is learning how to play. You will NEVER get a chance to sit and play yourself. At least I never do. Emily is always on the piano.

Marilyn said...

She really is super cute!

marissa said...

Love the piano and obviously she does too! So fun to see how grown-up and cute she is!

Susie Faye said...

what a great idea! i want to find one for gracee cuz she never lets me practice the piano...i guess she gets jealous or something.