As for little Miss Abigail -- she continues to be the love of our lives over here. She has not quite mastered crawling, but she is doing really well at turning herself in a circle on her tummy. She is being a little mobile, though, and is pretty good at sitting up. She is eating more solids foods. She now eats rice cereal, green beans, sweet potatoes, squash, and carrots. She does not seem to be a fan of peas, and she just tried carrots for the first time this morning.
She is congested again, but she continues to not really have any other symptoms. We have some follow-up appointments next week with the cardiologist and pulmonologist.
I can't believe she will be ten months old next week. She just continues to amaze me. Sometimes I just watch her while she sleeps and think about how far she has come -- and my heart is just full. She is such a good little baby and brings smiles to so many people.... Daddy also thought we should get her some different toys that were a little more developmentally advanced -- she was seeming to get a little bored with her toys. John is so cute when it comes to toys, and I continue to love watching him with Abigail. That little girl sure adores her Daddy.
I had Abigail taking a nap on her floor while I was washing her sheets. I heard her up, but didn't go get her right away -- This is what I found.... look at the air she is getting with her left leg.
Lately, she has been sometimes knocking her playmat over.
Grandma Merrill is letting us borrow this "Johnny Jump Up" after Abigail liked using it at her house.
We had fun with Daddy taking a test drive on the Light Rail to ASU -- seeing how long it would take to get there.
The bear continues to get smaller.
I love, love, love how cute she is when she sleeps.
Abigail is getting pretty good at grabbing things nearby -- and mommy and daddy have to remember to keep things out of reach.
We have graduated to a new car seat -- She seems to like it so far.
I also packed up this little beauty -- After a nine month love-hate relationship with pumps (the Symphony and the one we bought) I felt okay about stopping pumping.... Hopefully, next time things will go a little better.
Kim, your family's story is incredible. Thinking back on our recent experience in the NICU - a grand total of nine days - I can't even begin to imagine three months of that. Abigail is perfectly beautiful. Congratulations! We will be keeping an eye on your blog. All preemies hold a special place in our hearts. :)
She is incredible - what an amazing journey this has started out to be for you all. You have amazing perspective. Thank you for sharing this.
And kudos to YOU for an amazing 9 months of pumping!!! Wow!
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