Saturday, April 3, 2010

Springtime Fun

We are loving spring time over here. Last Spring we were pretty much bound to our closed up house to protect Abigail and get her bigger and stronger. It has sure helped me appreciate Spring more this year. With Abigail walking and ever so exploratory, it has just been so much fun.

There is not much in the way of updates except for the fact that we discovered Abigail has been working on four molars, not just two. It also looks like that fever she had was probably Roseola and not tooth related. We think this because of the rash she got after the fever. Abigail has been pretty good through all of this, and I hear that pretty much every kid gets Roseola and then doesn't get it again.

This picture doesn't really show it, but she likes the slide. We enjoy going to the mall and playing in the play area. Abigail just loves it!

We bought a kite at the dollar store - Abigail likes it. She has started doing this really cute laugh/giggle.

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